Case Studies
All-Inclusive directional module helps optimizing BHA to achive DLS required
Landing curves as planned presents challenges for many operators. In one instance, a Permian operator kicked off the curve with a directional sensor offset of 170 degrees, building 15.3 degrees inclination in the wrong direction. Upon discovery, the required dogleg to achieve the planned landing was adjusted to 16.7 degrees.

Key Results & Value Delivered
Initially, the team opted to finish using a higher bend motor and PDC due to good motor yields. The drilling engineer conducted a sensitivity analysis with various projections, revealing that achieving 15 degrees would place the curve landing 48 feet low, and 14 degrees would be 81 feet low. These findings were shared via the AI Driller platform, leading everyone to agree that using another PDC was too risky. Consequently, the operator increased the motor setting, switched to a roller cone, and successfully landed on the plan, avoiding the need for a potential sidetrack.
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